Am I entitled to a pension?
Depending on your employment contract, you build up pension.
Temporary employment contract Phase A
Do you have a temporary employment contract (Phase A) with Bouw Support Nederland? Then you accrue pension from the age of 21 (when you have worked for at least 26 weeks for Bouw Support Nederland) via the BASIS regeling. Maqqie takes care of the entire premium. You therefore do not pay a pension contribution yourself, but you do accrue pension. You will periodically receive a pension overview. More information about the BASIS regeling can be found on the website of the pension company StiPP. After having worked for 78 weeks you fall under the PLUS regeling. Maqqie then pays 2/3 of the premium for you and you contribute 1/3 yourself. They deduct this from your salary and it is stated on your pay slip.
Employment contract Phase B/C
Do you have an employment contract for a definite period (Phase B) or indefinite period (Phase C) at Bouw Support Nederland? Then you accrue pension from the age of 21 via the PLUS regeling. Maqqie pays 2/3 of the premium for you and you contribute 1/3 yourself. They will deduct this from your salary, which is stated on your pay slip. You will periodically receive a pension overview. More information about the PLUS regeling can be found on the website of the pension company StiPP.
Who is Maqqie?
We have chosen to outsource legal employership to Maqqie.
Visit the website from Maqqie for more information!
Pension overview
Every year you will receive an overview from StiPP, the Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). This pension overview shows the amount of the pension capital. And what the possible pension capital is if you continue to work until your retirement date.
After you have received your first pension overview, you will also find your AOW and pension details on Not only the pension that you have accrued with StiPP is listed there, but also the pension that you have accrued with other pension funds. The information on this website is updated annually. You need a DigiD to log in.